I have fond memories of Halloween as a little girl. My favorite costume was a gypsy that my mom pieced together with items we had around the house. She let me use her shaw and costume jewelry and gave me a special makeup mole on my cheek. Even as a child I felt the sense of community, neighbors caring for other people's children and their kindness in giving all of us candy. I pray Meara has fond wholesome memories of Halloween like I do.
We created this craft with our 4-year-old sunday school class also. We told them then and Meara today how we are a lot like pumpkins. Jesus picks us out like pumpkins in a field. He "washes" all the dirt off and removes all the "yucky stuff" called sin from the inside. He carefully removes all those seeds of doubt, hate, greed, and fear. He replaces them with the seeds of faith, hope and love. His light is placed in our hearts to shine for the whole world to see just like a candle inside a pumpkin.
Meara likes to play games, she likes playing with dice also. We decided to practice how to write tally marks using the dice. She rolled the dice and put a mark in the appropriate column. I LOVE how little things make her happy and she learns while having FUN!!
We like to have the lights off in our learning room/classroom as long as there is enough light. We save on electricity and it's FUN!! So, I apologize if it's a little hard to see the pictures. A while ago, I found these incredible number cards that Jolanthe made at Homeschool Creations. The set includes numbers, roman numerals, dots, and number words. We laminated them to last longer. Meara LOVES to ring a service bell. Today, we pulled out our magnets, cards, cookie sheet, and the service bell. She practiced counting the dotted cards, reading the number cards and matching the correct magnet number on the cookie sheet. If she got it wrong I made a buzzer sound (which she found very amusing). If she got it right she was able to ring the service bell herself (which she also found very amusing).
Monday we got new pets...hermit crabs. We got one for each of us, three total. We instantly became mesmorized by them. My husband, Meara and I sat for hours watching them in curiosity. Meara was having a hard time staying focused on school work. So, I used that to my advantage by doing a unit study on hermit crabs with her and creating a lapbook. This is our humble attempt to create a hermit crab lapbook. We would like to share it with anyone who would like to make one to.
The hermit crab diagram was found here. Go to page 21 of the pdf file.
What they eat booklet.
You can find the hermit crab picture to decorate and color here. The blank Venn Diagram can be found here. I copied and pasted it into Word and reduced the size to fit on the side flap.
In the original document I created there is a s on the word Predators but when I uploaded it to Scrbd it took the s off for some reason. If you would like the original version please contact me and I will email it to you.