Friday, January 23, 2009

Our School Day Today

January 23, 2009

These are the things we did today. Our day goes much more smoothly when we have activities to do. It's amazing to me how much a little mind can absorb. Meara is very curious by nature and very talkative just like her mommy. ;-)

Counting practice and number recognition with felt pieces
Recognition of coins; quarter, dime, nickel and penny

This is Mat Man from Handwriting Without Tears. Meara uses curved and straight wooden shapes to create a man. He has bottle cap eyes, a milk carton safety ring for a nose and a construction paper body. This activity is used to assist children in learning to draw people. We also use these wooden pieces to create letters. My dad used the pattern from the HWOT book and made them out of laminent flooring.

Drawing a person with at least six parts.

Practiced pointing out what states all of our family live in, including us.

She asked if I would read the ten commandments to her.

We talked about matter. Specifically, we talked about solids. We discussed what a solid is and Meara showed me examples of solids in our house.

We read about Rebekah and Isaac. I love to see the look on her face when she realizes the amazing things God has done in the Bible.

The Lion StoryTeller Bedtime Book - Tiger Tries to Cheat: A story about being grateful when someone helps you and not treating them unfairly or unjustly.
Eric Carle's Animals...A bird is sad because he is stuck in a cage watching the butterflies fly freely.
A Treasury of Mother Goose- The Owl (I have to share this one with you)
A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more he heard the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?
I LOVE this...rhyme!

Physical Activity:

She practiced standing on one foot for 10 seconds. She is almost there today she made it to 8 seconds.

She also practiced hopping on one foot five times and galloping.


We made a snow next post

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