Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We Are Back!!

February 23, 2010

YEAH! We are back to blogging after a hiatus due to an injury. The day after Thanksgiving my family and I went to Gatlinburg to stay in a cabin for four days. While waiting for our cabin to be ready we decided to spend some time on the playground. In an attempt to cast away the fears of my five-year-old over the "scary" big green slide I slammed into the first curve of the slide stopping dead in my tracks and ended up with what turned out to be a fourth degree sprained ankle. Needless to say our vacation was spent inside the cabin with my foot up in bed. I was on crutches for six weeks and had two months of physical therapy. Thankfully I am almost back to my old self aside from running and jumping. Ahh...the price to pay for being a BIG KID! ;-)


sunnykim said...

oh my lands, girlfriend, that's crazy! glad you're up and running again! that's one monster slide :)

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

Wow. Great Project! Love it!
(just a peek cruisen in! I will be back for some more craft ideas.

Peterson Party said...

Ouch! Glad you are feeling better.